Dear Children: You Are Exceptional.

To those I serve as a father and those I serve as an educator: you are exceptional.

There are no two ways about it.  You are bright, you are curious, you are kind, you bring joy into the lives of those who are fortunate enough to spend their time with you, and in no uncertain terms you absolutely have the capacity to achieve any outcomes you can imagine – today and into the future.

I’ve heard you call out with joyful enthusiasm over things that might seem trivial to some adults.  Remember, adults don’t always see what you see.  Please never let that change your mind about what you know to be true of the world in which you live.  It is after all your world.  You have the power, the vision, and the ability to make of it what you will.

Know yourself, trust yourself, believe in yourself, and be yourself.  Yesterday, while visiting a classroom I heard one of you exclaim, “Thank goodness for capitol letters and punctuation!”  You were excited about the sentence that you were constructing.  A wave of excitement ran through me.  You did that.  You reminded me just how exciting learning can be.  You reminded me just how wonderful it can feel to have the tools, the ability, and the drive to communicate thoughts and ideas.  Thank you.  Your genuine expressions of joy enhance my life.  Thank goodness indeed.

I’ve seen you cry when you’re hurt and frustrated, and that’s ok.  I cry sometimes too.  We all do.  I implore you though, please never let any person, any situation, or any challenge you’ve yet to overcome allow you to believe that you’re anything less than exceptional.

People will not always be kind to you.  Still, be kind to yourself and others.  People will not always believe in you.  Still, believe in yourself and others.  People will not always agree with what you say and do.  Still, say what you mean and do what you say.  When your mind is calm and your heart is true your path unfolds in right ways.  You won’t always understand or appreciate that path.  You may never.

I would suggest with all confidence that a steadfast commitment to reflective learning fosters enhanced peacefulness, comfort, and joy along the way.  Learn from your triumphs and from the challenges.  Celebrate both.  Recognizing your weaknesses takes strength.  Thoughtfully addressing them takes courage.  Denying them is itself a weakness.  We are all faced with the urge to do so during various moments throughout our lives.  Fight and conquer that urge when it comes to you.

Sometimes I wish that I could see clearly in every moment.  I can’t…far from it in fact.  Please remember that that’s pretty standard for human beings.  Not everyone will always, or even ever, see you clearly.  You will be accused, you will be misread, and you will be frowned upon.  Stand tall though, it’s your lens that matters.  Savor the moments in which others see you clearly and lean on your own capacity for clarity in the moments when they don’t.  Never let another person’s misgivings deconstruct you in negative ways…even mine.  If there ever comes a time when I shortchange you in actions or words, please forgive me.  More importantly, please remind me of what I know to be true: you are exceptional.

Don’t forget it.

Live. Learn. Lead.


Dream Big. Work Hard. Be Well.



  1. Christie Flayhart

    Beautiful! All of our kids are exceptional, for many different reasons. I appreciate your reminder that kids can often help us celebrate those things that we, as adults, have come to take for granted (capitals & periods!). As educators, we are gifted with the opportunity to be able to look at the world through their eyes. It is important that we remember to thank our children for all that they teach us every day!

    • bergseye

      Thanks for the insightful comment Christy…I couldn’t agree more about the gift of being able to see the world through the lenses that our students do. We truly have the best jobs in the world! Spending my time with educators and the students we serve affords me a level of learning, growth, and joy that I couldn’t otherwise imagine:)! Thanks again…have a great weekend!

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