Repeatedly Repeat…Living a Point of Clarity

This week I attended the first meeting of my district’s Instructional leadership Team.  It was wonderful getting together with administrative colleagues, catching up on the past couple of months, and starting to set the collaborative wheels in motion!  Our Superintendent, Dr. Bob Shaner, gave an insightful and energizing introductory address.  He spoke about providing the highest quality instruction for all children, and framed the charge as our top priority.

He referenced Patrik Lencioni, Robert Marzano, and Jon Gordon, and enthusiastically reminded us that we have the tools to get the job done, that together we will find solutions to the challenges we face, and that we must ever-diligently be articulating words and modeling actions that address our “point of clarity”…again, providing the highest quality instruction for all children.  This really hit home.  I’m a firm believer that the mission of any person or organization is well served by intentionality and repetition.  Even a “point of clarity” can be enhanced by continuous clarification.

I’ve inherited a wonderful motto in becoming the Meadow Brook principal: “Better Because of Me.”  To be clear, at first glance, I wasn’t sold.  I wondered if it was collaborative enough in nature.  I thought that maybe the “me” part should be “us.”  I spent a good deal of time deliberating over those four words.  I believe strongly in saying what I mean and meaning what I say.  I think that a school motto is an extremely powerful tool for developing relationships, driving a culture of positive progress, and fostering accountability throughout the population.

“Better Because of Me.”  What does it truly suggest?  It’s a personal commitment to enhancing our “point of clarity.”  It’s a vow on the part of anyone who utters it.  It’s an immutable commitment to those who subscribe to it.  It’s a promise to ensure that at Meadow Brook we are all perpetuating and/or engaging in high quality instruction.  It’s recognition of awareness on the part of all stakeholders that teaching and learning is our baseline for the advancement of individual and collective goals.  It’s a spoken agreement to zero in on consistent development.  “Better Because of Me,” is an opportunity for each of us to reflect on our unique contributions as they connect to our universal betterment.

As principal, I can model “Better Because of Me” by frequently sharing my process as it unfolds, and inviting those I serve to do the same.  At the start of each school year I overtly articulate my focus, then repeatedly do so throughout the year.  I choose one aspect of my own learning and leadership journey to use as scaffolding for achievement and growth.  This year, I’ve landed on partnerships.  My reflective core, the thing that I’m leaning on to drive my practice forward, and my personal “point of clarity” is, “Partnerships That Perpetuate Joyful Teaching And Learning.”

I’ve printed that focus statement and hung it on the wall in my office.  I plan to repeatedly communicate it as a primary aid in my effforts to continuously enhance our school community.  I’m going to talk the talk and walk the walk of, “Better Because of Me” through “Partnerships That Perpetuate Joyful Teaching And Learning.”  Also, I will ask and encourage all stakeholders to develop, commit to, and reputedly articulate personal, reflective core, “Better Because of Me” focus statements.  My thought is, with all of the incredible “Me’s” in our community…that’s a whole lot of “Better!”

Live.  Learn.  Lead.


Dream Big.  Work Hard.  Be Well.

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