365 Lessons: #10 Being Good At Imagination Is Good!

365 Lessons

(Critical Thinking About What The World Is Teaching Me Every Day)

#10 Imagination Can Be Reality If You’re Good At It


[Lesson Break Down]

Imagination is the driver of creativity and innovation.  It’s the force that allows us to believe in things only we can see, hear, feel, and/or conceive of.  It’s the power that convinces us that we can bring those things into the light of other people’s vision.  Imagination is among the things that make life wonderful.  Children are great at it.  Given that we were each children, we can remember how to be great at it as too.


I was at an extended family dinner last night with my wife and two sons.  One of the boys took a break from the table to run around in the basement for while.  My niece and I went down to supervise.  My niece is 12 years old.  As my son ran in circles (and ovals, and squiggly lines, etc.) my niece watched with a smile on her face.  She turned me a said, “Uncle Seth, we see a little boy running around in circles but he probable sees a jungle filled with trees, and plants, and insects, and animals that he’s chasing and playing with.”

It was a great moment on many levels.  First, I had cause to marvel at how insightful and mature my niece has become.  Also, I got my lesson for the day.  When did I lose the capacity to automatically default to imagination?  Is there a threshold that people pass through as we grow from children to adults that causes our imaginations to move back and out of the way?  Does the world around us come increasingly into focus or do the magical parts quiet and dull.  It was cool to hear a 12-year-old comment on the imagination of a 3-year-old.  I thought, she’s not that far out from where she could see the world like he does.

Most of what my little guys see, think, and feel is brand spanking new.  They’re in the throws of a series of firsts.  My niece and I hopped down off the couch and joined in the jungle hunt that was taking place just a few feet in front of us.  Somewhat to my surprise, and completely to my excitement – I could do it!  I could see the trees, the plants, the insects, and the animals.  I could feel the excitement and enjoy the adventure.  Granted, not everything I experience is totally new.  However, I am capable of using my creativity and my imagination to make it fun, exciting, and even magical.  Today I’m learning that practicing that skill is incredibly worthwhile.  Being able to connect with the amazing world of discovery as I once did without effort seems like a good way to enhance myself as a husband, a father, a son, a brother, a learner, and a teacher.  I’ll keep an eye out for opportunities and try to stay aware of the results.



  1. Aaron

    I love this post. Yesterday we had my daughters 6th birthday at “Pump It Up”, a bouncy house place. I joined in on the fun and had a great adventure with my kids. It felt amazing. Seth I plan to join you in adding more imagination into my life.

    • bergseye

      Sound like a fun party Aaron! For me, getting into those kinds of situation where I can force myself to remember what it feels like to do things like bounce up and down on an oversized air mattress helps perpetuate the imagination focus. I’m guessing you had a blast:) Thanks for the comment. Knowing you I’m sure there’s plenty of imagination in your life as it is. However, more never hurts! Have a great week.

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