Let Yourselves Off The Hook Parents and Educators
This weekend’s sunshine reminded me of something important. It reminded me of the ebbs and the flows of being a parent and an educator. It reminded me that there are triumphant days and that there are challenging days.
On triumphant days, the kids we’re serving and parenting demonstrate high levels of independence. They engage in work and play without excessive arguing, fussing or fighting. They make themselves cereal for breakfast and sandwiches for lunch, they put their dirty dishes in the sink, they put toys away after using them, they flush the toilet and they wash their hand.
On challenging days, our kids argue, fuss and fight. They don’t even need to be asked to do anything, they crawl out of their beds grumpy, and they grump around all day. They snap at us, they roll their eyes, they stomp and sulk, and sometimes they growl. On challenging days, everything feels like a battle, all day long.
They tell us that they don’t like what we made them for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. They ask us to make them something different, and then they don’t eat that either.
On really challenging days they tell us that we’re the “meanest” and that they hate us.
The thing is, the sun goes up and the sun goes down, and then the sun comes up again.
This weekend, as I walked with sunshine radiating against my skin and blue skies above, I remembered that, like the sunshine, everything comes and goes.
Kids are kids. Each one is unique in many ways, but each one is a kid. Like us, they have triumphs and they have challenges. As parents and educators we need to simply be sure that our limbs are inside the rollercoaster car and that the safety bar is securely fastened. We need to throw our hands up and cheer when we’re racing over hills and around the turns.
We need to celebrate the triumphs and face the challenges with as much patience and compassion as we can, knowing that with every experience comes opportunities for learning, for them and for us.
We need to alway remember the deep and abiding love we feel for our kids. Even, and especially when it’s difficult, we need to muster deep and abiding love for ourselves, and maybe most importantly…we need to let our selves off the hook.
This stuff ain’t easy, but we got it!
In it together for the kids!
Live. Love. Listen. Learn. Lead. Thanks.
Thanks, Penny! I hope your finding joy and balance:)!