Teachers & Support Staff…Amazing People!

I couldn’t be more excited to be quickly approaching the first days of this new school year! Believe me, I’ve really been enjoying every moment of a truly magical summer.  The weather in Michigan has been glorious…talk about making up for a rather intense winter (not that Mother Nature owes us Michiganders anything).  Plenty of sun for hanging by the pool, plenty of rain for watering our lawns and gardens, plenty of soft breezes and shady spots under elm trees for cooling us down.  It’s been a perfect mix.  I actually can’t remember such a nice summer in recent history.

But there’s something about the start of a new school year that just gets that tingly excitement going in the belly of an educator.  The smell of a new notebook, the feel of a canvas backpack, the neatness of a freshly stocked pencil case, and the sight of classrooms coming to form under the thoughtful supervision of the amazing teachers who bring them to life!

I am a principal for the first time.  My plan is to be a principal for a long time, and if all goes well, right here at Meadow Brook Elementary School!  For now though…this is the first time that I’m going to experience all of the wonders of the start of a new school year as a principal.  I’m totally geeked (and arguably somewhat OF a total geek – but I can live with that)!  It’s a new and thrilling lens through which to engage in this process.

So far, I’ve been doing a lot of organizing, both of thing and of ideas.  I’m getting files in place, working on a range of communications, finalizing placements and schedules, and touching base with various stakeholders.  I’ve had the good fortune of running into a few parents and students over the past month, and a colleague and I have lined up two “story time” events at the local book store.  We did the first one in July…it was a blast!  Lots of families came, we each read a book (I read “Rufus Goes to School” by Kim Griswell [author] and Valerie Gorbachev [illustrator] – I highly recommend it), we got to see some of the amazing teachers from our schools, and people hung around eating cookies and chatting.  We’re looking forward to round 2 in a few weeks.

So, all is well and good.  Things are moving right along.  I’ve been feeling productive and getting excited, and then yesterday it became really real!  Yesterday some teachers came into the building to do some prep!  I can’t tell you what a treat it was for me to be able to spend some time with these amazing individuals.  It called to mind the incredible work they do, the deep passion and commitment they each have for/to student achievement, and the unending motivation that drives them to give everything day in and day out.  Teachers are truly amazing people to be around!

As a principal, I know that I will be wearing many hats on a daily basis, and serving in multiple capacities throughout the year.  One of the things I’m most excited about this year is to serve as a partner to the phenomenal Meadow Brook teaching and support staff.  I’m excited to continuing building the great connections that we’ve begun establishing.  I know that our collaboration and partnership will lead to incredible learning and growth for all involved – especially the students that we serve!

Yesterday, at the building, I ran in to a few veteran classroom teachers, a relatively new classroom teacher who will be working with our first grade team during a maternity leave, a veteran a ASD teacher, and a dedicated paraprofessional.  All of these people were in the building a month before school starts because they’re committed to, and passionate about the work they do.  They are each already thinking about what they can do to enhance the lives of their students.  I suspect they don’t stop thinking about it.  In fact, I know they don’t.

Teachers are 24/7 – 365 thinkers.  Yesterday, some were organizing, some were generating materials and constructing displays, some were looking to have conversations about next steps, and some just came to say “hello” and check things out.  All were thinking about how they can make our school community better.  I’m not a mind reader, but I’ve met many teachers, and I know that the switch never turns off!  It was great to see them, it was great to chat, it was great to share their excitement & enthusiasm!

Teachers and support staff are the primary links that our students have to their individual and collective learning and growth they experiences each year.  These incredible people plan, implement, and adapt instruction to meet the needs of an extremely diverse population of learners.  They tirelessly work to refine their skills and strategies.  They give of themselves without limits.  They do the “heavy lifting” with pride & humility!  As a building principal I truly appreciate their work & dedication, and I believe it’s essential that they know it.  I’ve been brainstorming some thoughts and ideas about how I can express my appreciation throughout the year.

Here are some:

Being a partner in learning & growth by spending quality time in and outside of classrooms, engaging and processing through connected, ongoing, and authentic dialogue.

Supporting ideas and initiatives by distributing leadership in appropriate ways and encouraging autonomy.

Setting & maintaining high expectations through shared planning, consistent modeling, and the celebration of achievement at every turn.

Listening with an open mind and an open heart.

Seeking opportunities to connect and develop a true depth of understanding through conversations and collaboration.

Recognizing & appreciating the growth process by forgiving myself and others when we slip and/or fall, and concentrating on temporary failures as boons for long term successes.

Putting people first with a focus on relationships.

Using social media to highlight & globally connect around the incredible work of the teachers and support staff in my building.

Spending more time in front of my desk then behind it.

Saying, “Thank you,” and meaning it!


Dream Big. Work Hard. Be Well.


  1. Liz

    Your post encompasses many of my own feelings about the beginning of the school year. Just yesterday, a friend of mine asked about how I feel about going “back to work.” She asked if I get “all depressed.” It struck me that people outside of education might think of the start of a new school year as something to dread. I think teachers would mostly agree it is just the opposite. A new school year is a new opportunity. It is filled with excitement for the new students we will teach, new strategies we will try, new ideas we will hear and new discussions that will help us to fine tune our work with children. Thanks for putting your thoughts out there for us! I’m excited too!

    • bergseye

      My pleasure Liz:) – and thanks reading and commenting…what a great way to view the start of a new school year! One of the wonderful things about your excitement is that it shines through. You’re colleagues and students truly benefit from your passion and enthusiasm for teaching and learning! Looking forward to getting things started! Have a great couple of weeks…see you soon!

  2. Jennifer Lovell

    This is an incredible post, Seth. I’m very much looking forward to a wonderful 2014-15. May it be a year of continued growth, excitement, collaboration and smiles!

    • bergseye

      YAY Jen! I really appreciate the comment and the positive message:)! I know that it will be a year filled with all of those things, because I know that our incredible team of passionate educators will provide a culture of nothing less! I can’t wait to visit Mrs. Lovell’s energized room very soon! Be well!

  3. Leslie

    Very well said! We are truly blessed to have you at MB! Thank you for your passion and support. Looking forward to a great year!

    • bergseye

      Thank you so much Leslie! I am the one who’s blessed! Meadow Brook is an amazing community because of incredible educators like you! I appreciate the read and the comment, and I am so excited to get started with a school year filled with joyful teaching and learning in a few weeks! See you soon:)!

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