Service Learning: Kindergarten Kenya Connection


The incredible Kindergarten team at Harlan Elementary School executed an amazing service learning project last week.  Tara Mills, Nancy Singer, and Scott Kefgen submerged their students in cultural connections and facilitated a process by which the kids could think critically about the similarities and differences between themselves and people living around the world.  The kindergarteners were exposed to some of the challenges faced by the target population in Kenya.  Then, through cross-curricular and multimodal instruction they were given encouragement and support to help them understand that they can make a difference in the lives of others.  These five and six year olds at Harlan had an opportunity to impact the world in a positive way.  What powerful message and opportunity for these young learners! Great job Mrs. Mills, Mrs. Singer, and Mr. Kefgen!  Thank you for sharing this wonderful example of service learning!

Check out the details at Mr. Kefgen’s class blog:

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