365 Lessons: Think It, Say It, Do it.

365 Lessons

(Critical Thinking About What The World Is Teaching Me Every Day)

 #38 Think It Is Great, Saying It Is Wonderful, Doing It Makes It Happen

 [Lesson Break Down]

I have a lot of ideas.  I talk about some of them, write some of them down, and I explore some of them further than a fleeting thought.  The ones that turn into something, for better or worse, are the ones I act on.


 I’m not getting any younger.  I’m certainly not accruing any extra free time.  However, I have some things that I’d like to do while I’m able.  Because life is fragile and relatively short I have no idea how long that will be.  I read a great quote today in a book called The Element by Sir Ken Robinson, Ph.D.  Dr. Paul Samuelson, a Nobel Prize winning economist, said, “Never underestimate the vital importance of finding early in life the work that for you is play.  This turns possible underachievers into happy warriors.”  Not everyone wins a Nobel Prize for the work that he’s destine to do.  The bigger issue in my mind is that not everyone ends up doing that work.  I’m beginning to understand that it’s not necessary to be paid or even recognized for the work that I love to do.  Being a “Happy Warrior” is good enough.  Today’s lesson has me giving myself the following advice:  If I’m driven and passionate about exploring an idea that fits with my goals, abilities, and circumstances – I should act on it.

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